The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Political and Media Literacy provides an all-party forum to discuss the current provision of citizenship, political, and media literacy education (in schools, further and higher education) and to explore how best to further strengthen such education so that young people, regardless of their background, can play an informed and active role in our society and democracy.

The key aim of this APPG is to provide evidence for the importance of political and media literacy education in promoting youth participation in democratic life and cultivating a generation of discerning consumers of media who are resilient to misinformation. The ultimate goal of this APPG is to ensure that all young people become politically and media literate by the time they finish their secondary education.

The secretariat is Shout Out UK.

The APPG seeks to realise its key goal by supporting a mandate to:

(a) Provide every child with a minimum entitlement of political and media literacy in school by, in the first instance, resourcing and monitoring existing requirements to teach such education (including the role of teach training) at Key Stages 3 and 4 in England and through alternative routes in other constituent nations of the UK.

(b) Explore the potential for new and/or improved qualifications related to political and media literacy, including the possibility to enhance provision through a GCSE, EPQ, BTEC etc as examples.

(c) Strengthen the profile of political and media literacy in schools by incentivising educational authorities and system leaders to raise the status of political and media education in the curriculum, as well as driving the increased uptake of related qualifications within existing assessment and classification metrics.

(d) Enhance and conduct research to provide evidence for the links between political and media literacy education and active, informed, and resilient citizens, as well as explore the best ways to deliver on the goal of ensuring all young people receive a political literacy education.

The group will explore and discuss a wide range of strategic measures, ideas and interventions to strengthen provision for and teaching of political and media literacy in schools. To ensure that the curriculum meets young people’s needs and wants, we would like to ensure that political and media literacy is ingrained in all future democratic, safety and youth initiatives, in order to build a healthy democracy.

The Missing Link Report

In 2021, Shout Out UK and Dr James Weinberg released a report titled ‘The Missing Link’, which examined the state of democratic education (i.e. the teaching of politics and political literacy in all forms) in English schools. The report concludes that democratic education exists as a peripheral feature of secondary education in England and is being delivered by non-specialists who neither feel prepared to teach it nor favour appropriate pedagogic practices.

Download the report

Previous Meetings & Projects

House of Commons & Lords Members

  1. Allison Gardner MP
  2. Baroness Beverley Hughes
  3. Baroness Estelle Morris
  4. Claire Hazelgrove MP
  5. Darren Paffey MP
  6. Ellie Chowns MP
  7. Irene Campbell MP
  8. Jess Asato MP
  9. Jonathan Hinder MP
  10. Julie Minns MP
  11. Kirith Entwistle MP
  12. Lord Andrew Lansley
  13. Lord Bird
  14. Lord Clement Jones
  15. Lord Knight
  16. Maya Ellis MP
  17. Monica Harding MP
  18. Neil Duncan-Jordan MP
  19. Phil Brickell MP
  20. Ruth Jones MP
  21. Sharon Hodgson MP
  22. Uma Kumaran MP
  23. Vicki Slade MP
  24. Dave Robertson MP

Academic Advisory Group

  1. Dr. James Weinberg, AAG chair
  2. Prof. Matthew Flinders, Sheffield University - Principal Special Adviser
  3. Prof. Toby James, University of East Anglia - Fellow on Electoral Registration and Administration
  4. Dr Andrew Mycock, University of Huddersfield, Trustee of the Political Studies Association
  5. Prof. Angie Wilson, President of Political Studies Association (PSA)
  6. Prof. Rachel Gibson, Professor of Political Science at the University of Manchester
  7. Dr Ariadna Tsenina, Research Associate at the University of Manchester
  8. Dr Marina Cino Pagliarello, London School of Economics and Research Director for the project ‘Civic Education and Populism’/89Initiative
  9. Prof. James Sloam, Royal Holloway, University of London
  10. Dr. Cormac Mac Amhlaigh, Senior Lecturer in Public Law at the University of Edinburgh Political Studies Association (PSA)
  11. Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson, Senior Research Fellow, Speaking Citizens project, University of Sussex
  12. Dr Christine Huebner, Nottingham Trent University, Political Studies Association Young People’s Politics Specialist Group
  13. Dr Edda Sant, Manchester Metropolitan University
  14. Professor Bryony Hoskins, University of Roehampton
  15. Dr Jan Eichhorn, Senior Lecturer in Social Policy, University of Edinburgh & d|part
  16. Dr Deborah Ralls, Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow, School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences. The University of Newcastle.
  17. Dr Sandra Obradović, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, The Open University
  18. Dr Richard Fletcher, Director of Research, The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford
  19. Dr Corey Savage, Lecturer in Education, University of Glasgow
  20. Prof Anja Neundorf, Professor of Politics and Research Methods, University of Glasgow
  21. Prof Cristina Leston Bandeira, Professor of Politics, University of Leeds
  22. Prof Helen Haste, University of Bath
  23. Dr Jan Germen Janmaat, Professor of Political Socialization, University College London
  24. Dr Lee Jerome, Professor in Education, Middlesex University London
  25. Dr Rebecca Baker, Associate Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, University of Exeter
  26. Dr Thalia Magioglou, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Westminster
  27. Prof Julian McDougall, Professor in Media and Education, Bournemouth University
  28. Dr Steve Connolly, Deputy Head of the School of Education, Anglia Ruskin University
  29. Dr Helen Innes, Crime and Security Research Institute, Cardiff University
  30. Dr Kaitlyn Regehr, Associate Professor and the Programme Director of Digital Humanities, University College London
  31. Dr Frances Yeoman, Liverpool John Moores University


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